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User Management menù within the Ilevia configuration software EVE Manager.

Name: this name stands for the user ID;

New password: when editing, you need to enter the new password;

Confirm password: when editing, you need to confirm the new password;

Description:here you specify info about the user entering a brief description;

User group: This text field allows you to decide a keyword that can be set within the User interface items. The keyword is specific to the user. For further infromation regarding the User group setting configuration we suggest to consult this guide.

Permissions: check out the dedicated project’s permissions page.

Language/Country: choose the user’s country to manage currency and data;

User interface style: choose the user interface style for the current user, you can choose between Classic or Map style.


Here Follows the User Interfaces primary customization based on the Interface style.

Classic User Interface

Classic user interface preferences within the User management menu in the Ilevia's configuration software EVE Manager.

Main Menu text visible: This checkbox let you decide if the text of the primary menus will be disaplyed ot not inside the App.

Submenu text visible: This checkbox let you device if the text in the submenus items will be displayed or not inside the App.

Bar menu text visible: This checkbox let you decide if the text of the bar menu will be visible or not inside the App.

Log Out icon: This setting let you customize the log Icon with a different and customized one taht will later displayed in the User interface App EVE Remote Plus.

Home Icon: This settings make you able to customize the Home icon with a different and customized one that later will be displayed in the User interface App EVE Remote Plus.

Map User Interface

In this image are displayed all the primary parameters to customize the Map user interface.

Main Menu text visible: This checkbox let you decide if the text of the primary menus will be disaplyed ot not inside the App.

Submenu text visible: This checkbox let you device if the text in the submenus items will be displayed or not inside the App.

Bar menu text visible: This checkbox let you decide if the text of the bar menu will be visible or not inside the App.

Width: width display resolution (pixel) of device (smartphone, iPhone, iPad, tablet) that the user is going to use in order to visualize the customized interface;

Height: height display resolution (pixel) of device (smartphone, iPhone, iPad, tablet) that the user is going to use in order to visualize the customized interface;

Primary bar: Width resolution (pixel) of main menu of the user interface. Left / Right: it is possible to place main menu on left or on right side of the screen. This allows more freedom to the user and turns to be very helpfull for lefties.

Secondary bar: Height resolution (pixel) of secondary menu of the user interface; Up / Bottom: it is possible to place secondary menu on the upper or lower side of the screen. This allows more freedom to the user.

Bars color: Color picker which allows you to customize the color of the main menu and the secondary menu;

Trasparency: Percentage of transparency (from 0% to 100%) of the bars color (main menu and secondary menu);

Blur effect: When this check box is selected, the main menu and the secondary menu colors turns to be blurred;

Background image: Here you can choose to select a different image from the default one as background of the user interface. This image will be shown only when the Trasparent checkbox is active in the User Interface Editor;

Log Out icon: This setting let you customize the log Icon with a different and customized one taht will later displayed in the User interface App EVE Remote Plus.

Home Icon: This settings make you able to customize the Home icon with a different and customized one that later will be displayed in the User interface App EVE Remote Plus.

Duplicate command

When do I need to duplicate a user?

User duplication turns to be very usefull when it is necessary to create several users with the identical user interface. It is also usefull in case you need to create several users and make just little changes between the interfaces or just credentials. This gives you the possibility to save time on the project setting and satisfy the customer with the best performance.

How do I duplicate an existing user?

Step 1:

In order to duplicate an existing user you need to access to the main menu bar Project –> User

Select the user which you want to duplicate (current user) and then select “Edit” command.

User list where you can find all the users you have created Inside the Home automation software EVE Manager

Step 2:

Once the “User management” panel appears, select “Duplicate” command on the bottom of the window.

Here is displayed where to find the duplicate command within the user management menu inside the Ilevia's configuration software EVE Manager.<br />
Step 3:

Check on the main menu bar  Project –> User  and you will find a new user – user (1) -.

Select the duplicated user which you want to edit and then select “Edit” command.

User list where you can find all the users you have created Inside the Home automation software EVE Manager
Step 4:

1.Make changes on credentials and / or interface settings, 2. then confirm the cusiomization by clicking OK.

Here is displayed the customization of duplicated user within the Ilevia`s configuration software EVE Manager.
Step 5

By opening the main menu bar  Project –> User you will find the duplicated user with its new name.

This is the view of the list with all the users of the project within the Ilevia`s configuration software EVE Manager.

Admin duplication: ATTENTION! 

Admin duplication is possible. However you need to consider that when you duplicate the admin user, the duplicated user will inherit the same credentials and permissions. This is the reason why it is very important to immediately edit the duplicated user – admin(1) – and make the proper changes.

How to set up a duplicated Administrator user from the Home automation configuration software EVE Manager

Linked command

The Linked command let you create a new User, that won’t be able to do any customization to the User interface from the configuration software Ilevia Manager. Once you connect to the Linked user with the App EVE Remote Plus. The interface of the Linked User is shared with the Source User which the linked user has been created from.

Step 1:

Select the user which needs to be linked from the User list placed within the User menu on the top of the screen.

This is the view of the list with all the users of the project within the Ilevia`s configuration software EVE Manager.
Step 2:

Access the user’s settings by clicking the Edit user button within the User main menu.

Enetring the user editor to create a new linked user within the Ilevia's configuration software EVE Manager.
Step 3:

Now click on Linked, this will close the user settings’ window. By opening the User menu once again, you will see that a new user has been created.

How to link a component within the ilevia's configuration software EVE Manager.
Step 4:

Once the user is created, it is possible to access it and change its credentials (Users -> Edit user).

Accessing the Linked user to apply the credential customization within the Ilevia configuration software EVE Manager.
Step 5:

As you can see by selecting the new Linked user, the user interface editor tab is missing, this is because its shares the same interface of its source user Alain. In the images below is compared the look of user called Alain to the look of the new Linked user. As you can see, the user created with the Linked option is not allowed to customize the User interface.

User without link

EVE Manager interface of the source User.

User with link

Look of the EVE Manager Interface of the  Linked created user.
Step 6:

By acccessing the App EVE Remote Plus you will be able to see that the user interface of the Linked user is the same one of the Alain user.

Source user’s interface

User interface of the source user within the EVE Manager User interface Editor of the Ilevia's configuration software.

Linked user Interface

Visible interface that you will see if you access the linked user in the Ilevia's App EVE Remote Plus.

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