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This component allows you to control your entire irrigation system with one solution.


  • The user wants to centralize the whole irrigation of its own house, making possible to schedule the irrigation of specific section of the garden even individualy.


  • Main pump management
  • Exhaust actuator management
  • Possibility to exclude sprinklers from the cycle
  • The possibility of using the same area several times in the cycle
  • Disabling in case of rain



  • Number of cycles programmable by the user
  • Cycles timings definable by the user
  • The possibility of the user to activate the cycle
  • The possibility of activating/deactivating a specific sprinkler at any time
  • Possibility to schedule the start of the cycle using the weekly timers
Irrigation coponent properties inside the Home automation software EVE Manager


Customizable component’s title and icon. Please refer to “Common properties” guide.

Start irrigation:  That let you choose to turn on/off the irrigation utilizing, for example, a “Switch“;

Cycle counter: We recommend using the component “Slider” in order to increase or decrease the cycles of the irrigation;

Components: This option will open a window “Components” button you can drag & drop the component “Switch” in order to control, for example,  an electric valve. To simplify the operation we already added 3 “Zones”;

Cycle timing in: You can choose between seconds or minutes for the “Cycle counter” component;

Timing % level: This parameter allows to add a “Slider” component in order to customize the Zone cicle time.

Main pump: That let you choose to turn on/off the main pump, “Switch” component is recommended. You can remove this component from “My components” window if you don’t need it;

Delay for main pump[s]: This parameter allows you to start the irrigation with some delay in seconds;

Rain sensor: For this type of component we suggest to use “Color Info”  that can read the values of the sensor in case of rain (0/1);

Discharge actuator: That let you choose to turn on/off the discharge actuator utilized during cold periods of the year to empty water pipes;

Discharge time [s]: Discharge time in seconds;

eden-remoteEVE Remote Plus

Three different view mode possibilities: “CLASSIC”, “MODAL” and “HIDDEN”. Learn more about the component’s view modes


Watering Time

 Click this icon to enter into the scheduling mode for the cycles (this is the Irrigation Component icon customized for the project).

 Dropdown that let you select which zone you’d like to irrigate.

 Selected days and the relative duration of the irrigation cycle (you can choose between minutes or seconds, in this case, we are using seconds 10:00 which mean 10 min and 00 seconds). If you are using “Minutes” remember that 10:00 mean hh:mm.

 You can click this circle to enable (blue) or disable(white) manually the electrovalve.

 Enable the relative cycle.

 Disable the relative cycle.

 How the cycle programming is represented within the  home automation app EVE Remote Plus classic style
How the irrigation component enabled look like inside the Home automation app Eve Remote Plus classic style

This is the visual result of the component on the EVE Remote Plus (Classic Style).

Levers and Switches are displayed as an empty button which lights up when selected.

Levers ⇒ On/Off

State On (lever up).

State Off (lever down).


  You can add or remove cycles.


How the irrigation component Disabled look like inside the Home automation app Eve Remote Plus classic style
How to program the cycles within the Irrigation component in the  home automation control app EVE Remote Plus


This is just one of the visual result possibilities of the component on EVE Remote (Map Style).

Icons can be customized depending on your necessities from symbol to color and dimension.

In this case we can see three switches with different layout:


 Click this icon to enter into the scheduling mode for the cycles. (this is the Irrigation Component icon customized for the project)

  You can add or remove cycles.

Discharge Pump ⇒ Tap icon

 State On (dripping tap).

 State Off (empty tap).

Main Pump ⇒ Lever icon

Start irrigation (lever up).

  Stop irrigation (lever down).


How the Irrigation components diabled look like inside the Home autoamtion app EVE Remote plus map style
How the Irrigation components enabled look like inside the Home autoamtion app EVE Remote plus map style

Irrigation start schedulation

It is really important to understand how timers work and how to enable it. Once you have entered into the programming mode holding the Home icon , remember to click/tap your component icon to enable or disable the irrigation. We have prepared an example to better understand it, the green icon will activate the irrigation system while red will deactivate it.

How the scheduling is rappresented inside the Home automation app EVE Remote Plus classic style
Showing when the cycle is enabled and when disabled inside the Home automation app EVE Remote Plus classic style

Component configuration Video

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