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In this guide you will learn how to set up a Hysteresis component step by step from scrach. In this guide the Hysteresis function will be used to turn on a group of lights based on the lux index coming from a external sensor.

Preparing and loading the project in EVE Manager:

  • unzip the file;
  • open EVE Manager, go to the top left, File – Open – press “Ok” on the message that appears and select the file just decompressed;
  • Start the virtual machine or the Raspberry;
  • Download and Install the Logic by following this guide.


Step 1:

Add the Hysteresis component in the project by drag and dropping it in the “My components” section.

Adding a new Hysteresis component into the project in the Ilevia configuration software EVE Manager.
Step 2:

Add a new Changeable value component, this component will be used to set the customizable Lux threshold value.

Adding a new changeable value component in order to customize the threshold value within the ilevia's configuration software EVE Manager.
Step 3:

Add a new Switch component, this component will be used as trigger for the scenario that truns on the external lights.

Adding a new switch component that will trigger the scenario once the sensor value reach the threshold value in the Ilevia's configuration software EVE Manager.
Step 4:

Add a new switch component that will Enable or disable the Hysteresis function to the Ilevia server.

Adding a new switch component that will enable or disable the entire hysteresis component in the Ilevia's configuration software EVE Manager.
Step 5:

Now link all together to the Hysteresis component parameters.

Hysteresis parameters confifguration within the Ilevia's configuration software.
Step 6:

In this case we will add an On validation time, this is to avoid the lights to repeatetly turning On and Off if the cloud pass in front of the sun and so with that lowering the Lux value. For test purposes we will set a time value of 5 seconds.

Applying an On delay to pospone the trigger component activation within the Ilevia's configuration software EVE Manager.
Step 7:

Now adjust the Upper and lower offset value according to the needs. For the test purposes we will set a value of 20, this means that if the value reach one of the two offsets and get over 20, the hysteresis will trigger.

Setting the offsets applyed to the threshold value coming from the Ilevia's configuration software in EVE Mananger.
Step 8:

Link the scenery trigger to the Scenario component, this will trigger the scenario once it changes state.

Adding the trigger to the scenario that will activate once the Hysteresis threshold is reached.
Step 9:

Finally add the components inside the user interface and upload the project to the server.

Classic user interface
Visual result of the Hysteresis component within the Ilevia's app EVE Remote Plus.
Map User interface
Hysteresis sample project within the Ilevia's app EVE Remote Plus map interface.

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