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In this guide it will be explained and shown how to configure a motion detection logic that, once triggered, will turn on a light and after a centrain period of time will turn it off automatically, This kind of logic is done using the Custom widget component. This logic exists already in the configuration among all the KNX motion sensor device parameters, in case the motion sensor device is not KNX, this logic could come in handy when the motion sensor device is not KNX.

Components configuration

Step 1:

Add these components within the project:

  • 2 switch components. You can find this component inside the section called Base within the Components library tab;
  • 1 info component. You can find this component inside the section called Base within the Components library tab;
  • 1 Custom widget component. You can find this component inside the section called Interface design within the Components library tab ;
  • 1 Changeable Value component. You can find this component inside the section called Base within the Components library tab.
Adding the components needed to set up the Javascript within the ilevia's EVE Manager.
Step 2:

Add the variables inside the Custom Widget’s json text field. Add the variables as it is shown below.

Creating the variables within the json variables within the custom widget component within the Ilevia's configuration software EVE manager.

Javascript code configuration

Step 3:

Within the Javascript text field you can add the code needed for the logic to work. The code is shown below:

Click the following link to consul the full Javascript code

Where to add the javascript inside the Custom widgetcomponent in the Ilevia's EVE Manager.
Step 4:

First add the variable into the Code, this variables will get the values of the components specified within the Json text field inside the Custom widget component parameters.

Javascript variables within the motion sensor code within the custom widget component inside the Ilevia's configuration software EVE Manager.
Step 5:

The first code function called countDown. This function will take the time value set by the user in the Changeable Value component and will proceed with count down time that specify when the light will turn Off.

Javascript first function within the motion sensor code within the custom widget component inside the Ilevia's configuration software EVE Manager.
Step 6:

The second function will take the value coming from the Motion sensor component and turn On the light when the Motion sensor triggers. Once the Motion sensor state change to Off, this function, will start a time interval to the first funtion called “countDown“.

Javascript second function within the motion sensor code within the custom widget component inside the Ilevia's configuration software EVE Manager.
Step 7:

Finally set the setTrigger, this statement will get trigger the function called motion_detection each time the component Motion sensor change its state.

Javascript settrigger statement within the motion sensor code within the custom widget component inside the Ilevia's configuration software EVE Manager.
Step 8:

Add the components into the User interface and upload the project to the server.

Uploading the project with the components needed to test the motion sensor logic within the Ilevia's app EVE Remote Plus.


This is the final result of how the Motion Sensor logic works within the Ilevia app EVE Remote Plus.

How the motion sensor script works within the Ilevia's app EVE Remote Plus.
Click the link below to download the Custom widget Motion sensor script project and try it your self.

Download the demo project here!

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