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Pulse INTRODUCTION It sends an On / Off pulse once triggered from the User. The pulse component will return to its original state once released. USE CASES The pulse component can be used as a trigger component for a scenario. The pulse component can used to open a...


Info INTRODUCTION It represents a generical information, any value in the system is read and managed through this component. USE CASES  The user can set this component to read the temperature of a thermostat. The user can use the info component can display how much...

List view

List View INTRODUCTION It allows to see the components selected that have a certain value. USE CASES The user can make custom lists of components to use without going out of the remote control component to turn on a light COMPONENT'S PROPERTIES GUI This...

External Recorder

External Recorder INTRODUCTION The External Recorde allows you to record data from a device inside your project to a external database. It works like a normal Recorder, plus it gives you the chance to set up a "influxdb" gateway to export the data into your external...

Common Properties

COMMON PROPERTIES INTRODUCTION Each component has different parameters according to the protocol to which it is associated, however, some things are common to all components. This is the case of the component's registry area that summarizes basic info for its unique...

Classic user interface

CLASSIC USER INTERFACE INTRODUCTION The creation of a "Classic" interface is designed to run on a 4 menu (from top to bottom): Primary menu: only icons (from Icons tab) or scenarios (from My components tab). This is the starting point of all the structure; Sub...

Component view mode

COMPONENT'S VIEW MODES MAP VIEW MODE EVE Remote Map Style App gives the opportunity to interact with components of the project in different ways. The choice of how you want to interact with the commands of the system is located within the software EVE Manager, in the...


INTRODUCTIONEVE Suite Lite is the licence that allows the installer to configure a user smartphone interface for KNX Projects using the fastest possible way. The main advantages of using EVE Suite Lite are: Savings on the purchase cost of 50%; If the user needs to add...


ILEVIA MANAGER SOFTWARE'S OVERVIEW Ilevia Manager is the software that allows the installer to configure the system. This is designed to be easy and intuitive to use of its basic functions and at the same time to be professionally sophisticated in the presence of...

Eve remote plus

EVE REMOTE PLUSDo you arleady know what you are looking for? Select the topic among the items in the following menu! INTRODUCTION This manual contains the necessary information to interact with the app EVE Remote Plus. Thesystem provides you with a free app for...

X1 datasheet

EVE X1 SERVEROverall View Eve X1 Server is the core of every home automation system based on KNX technology. Beyond the KNX, the X1 server supports also Z-WAve, Modbus, Vimar By-me, Bticino MyHome, EnOcean, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Philips Hue, the E.l.M.o,...

Shelly devices with MQTT protocol

HOW EVE AUTOMATION SOFTWARE WORKS WITH SHELLYMQTT is a low weight publish-subscribe protocol. This protocol is made by two parts: The client (someone connecting to a broker). The broker (the one who has the credentials of all the users and allow you to connect trade...