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In this guide you will understand how the Calculator component can be used inside a EVE project.

In this guide the example will be carried out with two input components. The components used in this guide are just for testing purposes, the calculator component ca be used with several components.


Step 1:

Open EVE Manager, then add two Changeable Value components inside the “My components” area.

Adding the changeable values to the project inside the Home automation configuration software EVE Manager
Step 2:

Then head to the “logic operation” menu on the left side tab “Component’s library“, now drag and drop the Calculator component inside the project.

Adding the Calculator component inside the project of the Home automation configuration software EVE Manager
Step 3:

You can add the input parameters by clicking on the drop down menus inside the Caluclator component properties.

Setting the input components inside the Home automation configuration software software EVE Manager
Step 4:

Add a new Info component inside the “My components” area, this component will be used as output of the operation performed inside the calculator component.

In our case we will use an Info component as output of the Calculator component allow the usage of several components, click here for further info.

Adding a new component inside the eve project inside the Home automation configuration software EVE Manager
Step 5:

Once the components are added into the drop down, the next step will be setting the operation that will be performed by the Calculator. In our case the operation will be: a+b, this operation will add the value of the first input to the value of the second one.

Setting the operation that will be performed inside the Home automation configuration software EVE Manager
Step 6:

Now in order to test the Calculator add the components inside the User interface, and upload the project inside the user interface.

Adding the components inside the Home automation software per la configurazione della domotica EVE Manager


In order to test the Calculator change the values of the Changeable Values components,

in our case the operation is a+b, but there is a wide range of operations that can be performed.

Testing the calculator settings inside the Home automation server EVE

Download the example project

Click the link below to download the demo project and try it your self.

Download the demo project here!

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