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Shelly Motion Integration with Ilevia

SHELLY MOTION INTEGRATION WITH ILEVIA INTRODUCTION The Motion is a device from the first generation of Shelly devices. This device other than notifying that a motion is dected, can either report if a vibration is detected as well as the lux value and much more. In...


TV LG INTRODUCTION This component allows to integrate any smart LG TVS with the Ilevia server. The available actions are multple among them are: Volume up/down, Channel up/down, source change and many more. USE CASES The user wants to integrate his LG TV in order to...

User group

USER GROUPS INTRODUCTION The User group text field within the User settings, helps you manage the user by applying a keyword that will be as a filter once set in a specific object inside the User interface editor. Let’s say that you have 3 kind of users: the...