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Linker sample project

LINKER SAMPLE PROJECT INTRODUCTION In this guide shows an example of to configure the Linker component to turn On a group of light. Preparing and loading the project in EVE Manager: unzip the file; open EVE Manager, go to the top left, File – Open – press “Ok” on the...

X1 server SD restore procedure

X1 SERVER SD RESTORE PROCEDURE INTRODUCTION In this guide it is explaned how to restore the SD card of the Ilevia X1 server to its default settings. Before continuing with the guide we suggest to watch this video tutorial which explain how to extract the SD card from...

Shelly Motion Integration with Ilevia

SHELLY MOTION INTEGRATION WITH ILEVIA INTRODUCTION The Motion is a device from the first generation of Shelly devices. This device other than notifying that a motion is dected, can either report if a vibration is detected as well as the lux value and much more. In...