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Contact Note: This component turns out to be necessary during the configuration of Email and SMS plugin modules. INTRODUCTION This component is necessary for the configuration of Email and SMS plugin modules. Match a new contact to any new person who you want your...


Linker INTRODUCTION This component allows copying the state of a component in other components. For example, a series of lights must be switched together but are configured with different protocols. In this way, a switch Modbus can be “copied” in a switch with another...


Logic INTRODUCTION This component allows you to perform Boolean operations (AND / OR / XOR / NOT). This is done when the status of one of the inputs change. There is the possibility to define, for each input, whether to consider changing the ON / OFF or OFF / ON. You...


Signal INTRODUCTION This component is an operator which allows processing the single signal to add delays or activate functions after verifying the stability of the same signal for a certain time. It gives the possibility to manage operations that can be performed...

Sample project: Signal

SIGNAL SAMPLE PROJECT INTRODUCTION The purpose of this example, which you can download here, is to show you how to use the “Signal” component by using it in the activating an alarm after detecting a motion for more than 5 seconds. Preparing and loading the...