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Vimar gateway

Vimar gateway’s parameters COMMON PROPERTIES Name (field): enter the title for your KNX gateway; Protocol (drop down): choose the protocol to match with the gateway; Enable (check box): it allows to enable /disable the selected gateway; Address (field): IP address of...

X1 server Specification

SERVER SPECIFICATIONS INTRODUCTION Thanks to its several input output and interfaces, the X1 server has the capability of integration of multiple protocolos with a power supply of 5V DC. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Size 72 x 59 x 90 mm (W x H x L) CPU 1.2 GHz quad-core...

Open browser

Open Browser INTRODUCTION Tapping the corrispondent icon on EVE Remote user interface, it opens the default browser of your device to the page indicated on the component’s configuration. USE CASES The user wants to check the weather conditions before scheduling the...