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User Managment

USER MANAGEMENT USERS SETTINGS Name: this name stands for the user ID; New password: when editing, you need to enter the new password; Confirm password: when editing, you need to confirm the new password; Description:here you specify info about the user entering a...

ETS gateway

KNX GATEWAY TUNNEL FOR ETS DESCRIPTION The KNX Gateway connects a PC to an EIB / KNX system via the EIB socket on our X1 servers in order to configure, parameterize and commission the EIB / KNX installation and the bus monitor using the ETS software. This diagram...

Amazon Alexa Integration

 How to integrate the EVE system to control your Home automation plant with Amazon Alexa Amazon Alexa includes home automation features that allow owners to use it as a central hub to control Smart devices by voice commands. Before starting the conifguration If you...

Google Home integration

How to use Google Assistant to control your smart home with IleviaBefore starting the conifguration If you are in this page because you are approcing the voice control integration with the Ilevia server to a new installation or just taking a look on how to set it up,...

Server X1 firmware update

EVE X1 SERVER FIRMWARE UPDATE PROCEDURE Please follow the steps below: Step 1: Power on the hardware unit Step 2: Connect the unit to the LAN network Step 3: Launch your internet browser and open a new tab Step 4: Type on the URL...

Connection to X1 server from EVE Manager and direct connection

CONNECTION TO X1 SERVER FROM EVE MANAGER AND DIRECT CONNECTION INTRODUCTION When connecting for the first time, connect the LAN network adapter to the network then connect the power supply. The server will then boot from the on board card (from the MicroSD card for...

Server X1 wiring

X1 SERVER WIRINGThis section will give you an overall basic understanding of how a EVE X1 Server is wired. If you have any questions or doubts during the installation process then please feel free to get in touch with our support team. Our technicians are always happy...

Project upload from USB to server X1

HOW TO UPLOAD A PROJECT ON MULTIPLE SERVERS USING A USB KEY1. Format a USB key using SD Card Formatter 2. Save your current project inside EVE Manager Pro with the name db.eve   3. Move your db.eve file inside the USB key that you have just formatted 4. Turn off...

X1 server IP restore

HOW TO RESTORE FACTORY IP SETTINGS (STATIC/DHCP)If you can no longer connect to your Server (e.g. can’t connect through IP), you can reset your IP with this guide. You can reset it using a STATIC IP or DHCP IP.PREPARE YOUR USB KEYStep 1: Format a USB Key in FAT32....

License activation of the Virtual Machine

VIRTUAL MACHINE SERVER LICENSE ACTIVATION  INTRODUCTION This guide will hep you to activate your trial license and convert it to a life time one. This procedure can be apply to eather the virtual machine and Raspberry Pi license. Note: This operation won’t be...

Virtual Machine Firmware update

FIRMWARE UPDATE FOR VIRTUAL MACHINE PROCEDURE Please follow the steps below: Step 1: Start the VM from Oracle Virtual box; Step 2: Launch your internet browser and open a new tab Step 3: Type on the URL bar The internet browser...

Virtual Machine web configuration interface

VIRTUAL MACHINE WEB CONFIGURATION PANEL Connection and configuration Step 1: CONNECTING TO THE MAIN PAGE Open your web browser and type the IP of your server in the URL bar on top, if you don't know what's your server's IP please click this link to find it...

Virtual machine setup

SETUP FOR VIRTUAL MACHINE TO TEST THE ILEVIA SYSTEM INTRODUCTION The EVE Suite software for virtual machine can be downloaded for free but it is subjected to a validity limitation of 168 hours (7 days). PROCEDURE Please follow the steps below: Step 1: Download the...