Open Browser
Tapping the corrispondent icon on EVE Remote user interface, it opens the default browser of your device to the page indicated on the component’s configuration.
- The user wants to check the weather conditions before scheduling the irrigation cicles.
- A owner of a B&B wants to insert links to a specific page of the guides inside the Ilevia web site to allow the customer to get information about the components inside the EVE Remote Plus.
This component’s sample is made by using WEB gateway.
Please refer to “Gateways / Protocols” guide in order to get further info.
URL path (empty field): enter the URL of the web page you want to be opened on the browser.
EVE Remote Plus
Three different view mode possibilities: “CLASSIC”, “MODAL” and “HIDDEN”. Learn more about the component’s view modes.
Here is just one of the visual result possibilities of the component on EVE Remote Plus (Classic and Map Style).
Icons can be customized depending on your necessities from symbol to color and dimension.
In this case we can see the default icon layout:
Browser ⇒ Open Browser icon
Default icon (customizable icon)
Open Browser opens the default browser of your device to the set URL.