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The Motion is a device from the first generation of Shelly devices. This device other than notifying that a motion is dected, can either report if a vibration is detected as well as the lux value and much more. In this guide is explained how to integrate all these information with your Ilevia server.

Web interface configurations

Step 1:

Connect to your Shelly web interface by opening a browser web, type the IP Address of the Shelly device on the URL bar then click Enter.

Step 2:

Enter the menu “Internet & Security“, then open the MQTT setting menu.

How to access the MQTT settings menu from the Shelly motion device to integrate it to Ilevia.
Step 3:

Check “Enable MQTT” and insert the IP address of your Ilevia server inside the “Server” text, then set the Qos to 1, finally click Save.

Setting up the MQTT configuration in order to establish the comunication between the Ilevia server and the Shelly device.

EVE Manager project configuration

Step 4:

1. Open EVE manager and create a new gateway, 2. set the protocol to MQTT brocker, 3. set the address parameter inserting localhost as address, 4. finally Quolity of service a “At most once“.

Creating the MQTT gateway within the Ilevia's configuration software EVE Manager.
Step 5:

1. Head to the Components tab in EVE Manager, 2. Open the Basic component section within the “Components library“. 3. Add a new Color Info component within the project. Finally, make sure the component is set with the MQTT gateway created early.

Adding the info color to get the motion sensor status within the Ilevia's configuration software EVE Manager.
Step 6:

The next step will be setting up the Event Topic. This component will display the value of the Motion sensor coming from the Shelly device. The topic to configure is the following: shellies/shellymotion2-&ltdevice-ID&gt/status, where &ltdevice-ID&gt must be replaced with your Shelly device ID. Finally add the script to parse the payload coming from the Shelly device.

Click the following link to consult the topic and the script configuration.

Info color component topic configuration to get the motion status coming from the Shelly motion device.
Step 7:

Add a second Color info into the project. This component will display the value of the Tamper sensor coming from the shelly device. The topic that will be set is the following: shellies/shellymotion2-&ltdevice-ID&gt/status, where &ltdevice-ID&gt must be replaced with your Shelly device ID. Finally add the script to parse the payload coming from the Shelly device.

Click the following link to consult the topic and the script configuration.

Info color component topic configuration to get the Tamper status coming from the Shelly motion device.
Step 8:

Add a new Info component into the project. This component will display the value of the ambient temperature where the device is placed in. The topic is the following: shellies/shellymotion2-&ltdevice-ID&gt/status, where &ltdevice-ID&gt must be replaced with Shelly device ID. Finally add the script to parse the payload coming from the Shelly device.

Click the following link to consult the topic and the script configuration.

Configuration of the info that will display the enviroment temperature coming from the shelly device within EVE Manager.
Step 9:

Add a new info component into the project. This component will display the value of the Lux value where the device is placed in. The topic is the following: shellies/shellymotion2-&ltdevice-ID&gt/status, where &ltdevice-ID&gt must be replaced with Shelly device ID. Finally add the script to parse the payload coming from the Shelly device.

Click the following link to consult the topic and the script configuration.

info component that will display the Lux value coming from the Shelly device within the Ilevia's software EVE Manager.
Step 10:

Add a new Info component into the project. This component will display the Battery level. The topic is the following: shellies/shellymotion2-&ltdevice-ID&gt/status, where &ltdevice-ID&gt must be replaced with Shelly device ID. Finally add the script to parse the payload coming from the Shelly device.

Click the following link to consult the topic and the script configuration.

Configuration of the info component that will display the Battery level coming from the shelly device within EVE Manager.
Step 11:

Add a new info component info. This component will display the value of the Luminance of the place where the device is placed in. The topic is the following: shellies/shellymotion2-&ltdevice-ID&gt/status, where &ltdevice-ID&gt must be replaced with Shelly device ID. Finally add the script to parse the payload coming from the Shelly device.

Click the following link to consult the topic and the script configuration.

Configuration of the info component that will display the Illuminance level coming from the shelly device within EVE Manager.


Here you can see some examples of how the component could look like within the Ilevia app EVE Remote Plus (Classic and Map style)

Classic User Interface

Map User Interface

MQTT Set up components visualization within the Ilevia's app EVE Remote Plus.
Click the link below to download the Shelly Motion demo project and try it your self.

Download the demo project.

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