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External Recorder

External Recorder INTRODUCTION The External Recorde allows you to record data from a device inside your project to a external database. It works like a normal Recorder, plus it gives you the chance to set up a “influxdb” gateway to export the data into...

Common Properties

COMMON PROPERTIES INTRODUCTION Each component has different parameters according to the protocol to which it is associated, however, some things are common to all components. This is the case of the component’s registry area that summarizes basic info for its...

Classic user interface

CLASSIC USER INTERFACE INTRODUCTION The creation of a “Classic” interface is designed to run on a 4 menu (from top to bottom): Primary menu: only icons (from Icons tab) or scenarios (from My components tab). This is the starting point of all the structure;...

Component view mode

COMPONENT’S VIEW MODES MAP VIEW MODE EVE Remote Map Style App gives the opportunity to interact with components of the project in different ways. The choice of how you want to interact with the commands of the system is located within the software EVE Manager,...